Music Ministry and God’s Word
“Give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people. Sing unto Him , sing psalms unto Him, talk ye of all His wondrous works, Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord” (1 Chronicles 16:8-10).
Life is given to music when a believer speaks or sings God’s words to bless and encourage others. Since “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17), people need to constantly and consistently hear about the greatness of our God. They need to know that He is our source, just as He was for those who lived in Bible times. They need to hear how the Word applies to their lives: where they are right now and where they are going. They need to know that Jesus is the answer for what is wrong in their lives.
You may say,“Hey, this sounds like the job of the preacher. I am simply a singer/musician at my church.” I have discovered that though most people are greatly moved by preaching, there are still many who “turn-off” as soon as the music ends. We need to reach the people where they are. The music must be a powerful portion of the ministry during the church service. Those who are moved by the music must hear the same types of things that they hear during the regular preaching of the Word. They must be given reasons to get excited about God. They need reasons that will cause them to want to repent and make Jesus their Savior and Lord. They need encouragement to serve God with their whole hearts. They need opportunities to worship God and reconfirm their trust in Him, no matter what is going on in their lives. When you do this, you are ministering in the calling of reconciliation. People will be saved and encouraged. The Word of the Lord does not “return void,”whether it is spoken or sung (Isaiah 55:11). Music is a powerful vehicle for ministry. In Jesus Name, use it and expect great results.
In order for us to know if a song lines up with God’s Word, we must have a firm foundation in the Scriptures. The Word must be a part of us. We must diligently pray and read God’s Word every day. This is not an option. We personally have nothing to offer that can change the lives of men and women. We cannot save a single soul from hell. We must minister the Word.
What if the music is close to aligning with God’s Word, but has areas that sound a little more like secular wisdom? Then, it is NOT the Word. God’s Word is truth. “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" (John 8:32). We want people to be free from the bondage of sin. We cannot achieve that by being “close.” People have heard enough lies and half-truths in the world. In God’s house, people expect to find truth. If they see it is no different from the world, then what is the advantage of being a Christian? It is up to us to see that every song we minister lines up with the Bible.
Resouces: Don’t Just Sing, Minister Through Music (Book and Seminar),
Dr. Mary L. Willock
© Mary Willock, 2014 - 2020
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