Welcome to Mary Willock Ministries.
Dr. Mary Willock presents life-changing messages and powerful songs that encourage and challenge the listener
to live by faith - to experience God's best.
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You are invited to Freedom from Enabling ̶ Women’s Bible Study
An 8 Week Zoom Study Group - Facilitator Dr. Mary Willock
(If your family is perfect, you don’t need this study.)
Today, most families in America have at least one family member who lives on the edge of disaster. You love and care about your family. Compassion rises-up in you, and the next thing you know you are taking charge, fixing things, and making things right. Do you wish people around you would just grow up, have good attitudes, and fulfill their responsibilities? And yet, they don’t. Do you feel guilty when you say, “No”? Have you become an enabler to maintain sanity in your home?
Enabling impacts all types of relationships ̶ whether it is enabling your children, grandchildren, adult children, your spouse, a dear friend, or a co-worker.
In Freedom from Enabling, Mary shares fresh, practical, Bible-based answers and strategies to free you from enabling and help restore your loved ones to caring relationships and responsible living – a message of help and hope. This may be the help for which you have been praying.
Interested? Go to Contact us / Booking information

My latest book -
Victory Over Depression
is available on Amazon!
The 4th book in The Help and Hope Series
Victory Over Depression / Better Every Day
Does depression hold you back from the
Abundant Life Christ came to give you?
Victory Over Depression
is available on Amazon!
The 4th book in The Help and Hope Series
Victory Over Depression / Better Every Day
Does depression hold you back from the
Abundant Life Christ came to give you?
Victory Over Depression starts with a comprehensive, Bible-based teaching. You will be encouraged with insights, testimonies, and examples that you can relate to in your own life. You will be strengthened and equipped by Scriptures that confirm God’s purpose, expectations, and answers for you and your family. You also will grow in your walk with the Lord. God desires that you know Him as Savior, Healer, Comforter, Counselor, Provider, Protector, Deliverer, and so much more. We were never meant to navigate this life on our own. We were meant to rely on God to take us through the good times and through the difficult times – without depression.
Will this book make your life perfect and easy? No. We know that even a normal life has its ups and downs. A problem free life is not possible, but learning how to defeat depression and maintain a positive attitude through it all is possible, when your trust is in the Lord.
Better Every Day, the second portion of the book, is an amazing, seven-week devotional featuring additional teaching, Scriptures, testimonies, insights, and opportunities to journal. This devotional provides the continuing support needed to affect real, sustainable change.
The Crisis is now! Your help is here!
What are you specifically doing to teach parenting in your church?
We know: There have been many dramatic changes in our nation during 2020.
God is making it very clear: Our nation is in crisis. Our families are in crisis. Our families need solid, practical, Bible-based teaching that will help all family members live caring, responsible lives.
Dr. Mary Willock shares Bible-based teaching and practical answers for Christian families
She has gleaned from over thirty years of teaching school and over twenty years of sharing these messages in church services and at women's meetings.
You may say, "Our families aren't perfect, but they are not in crisis." It is not wise to wait until a crisis occurs and then try to recover from destructive attitudes, addictions, and even extreme violence that you never dreamed would impact your family or church. It is better to openly address parenting issues and concerns before they become present in your lives.
Of all of the positive encouragement I have received after presenting these messages, the ones I cherish the most are those who tell me that I do not condemn the parents. They tell me that the information I present encourages them, challenges them, and is practical for their to help them restore their families to caring attitudes and responsible living.
Do the parents and grandparents in your church appreciate hearing real answers to their real problems and concerns? To learn more or schedule your church or women's group for powerful life-changing messages:
Contact: Rev. Mary Willock:
Phone: 772-878-9695
Website: www.marywillock.net
Email: [email protected]
To see all books written by Mary Willock, visit the Home Tab / Books
From the Help and Hope Series:
- When Compassion Turns to Enabling
- When Enabling and Alzheimer's Collide
- Restoring Christian Families Through Bible-Based Parenting
- Victory Over Depression
From the Music Ministry Series:
Don't Just Sing, Minister Through Music, Books 1 and 2
From the RV Adventure Series:
RV Adventures with Bill and Mary #1
RV Adventures with Bill and Mary #2 / The Great Hurricane Evacuation / How to Evacuate in an RV
Other Resources:
Check out the latest article - The Skilled Musician 2, listed under Music Ministry.
The Singer and the Talent Show
What in the world was I doing in talent competition? It was a surprise to me!
If you have ever been in or thought about being in a talent competition, this article will provide you with some very interesting insights. If you have ever been in charge of a talent competition, this is a must read. And be sure to read: The Rest of the Story and The Best of the Story. You will be encouraged and blessed.
Jennifer Holloran - My daughter's CD - COME ON HOME - is now on Pandora.
Or, check it out at https://www.facebook.com/jenniferholloranmusic. Click on the Music Shop icon to hear each song. She is such a blessing to me. I know you will be blessed by her music.
There may be other updates throughout the website. The above are being highlighted at this time.
Check out the latest article - The Skilled Musician 2, listed under Music Ministry.
The Singer and the Talent Show
What in the world was I doing in talent competition? It was a surprise to me!
If you have ever been in or thought about being in a talent competition, this article will provide you with some very interesting insights. If you have ever been in charge of a talent competition, this is a must read. And be sure to read: The Rest of the Story and The Best of the Story. You will be encouraged and blessed.
Jennifer Holloran - My daughter's CD - COME ON HOME - is now on Pandora.
Or, check it out at https://www.facebook.com/jenniferholloranmusic. Click on the Music Shop icon to hear each song. She is such a blessing to me. I know you will be blessed by her music.
There may be other updates throughout the website. The above are being highlighted at this time.
How to Raise Children to be Caring, Responsible Adults