You may want to prayerfully consider the following when you need to look for a new pastor.
The Pastor:
1. Uncompromisingly preaches the whole Word of God.
2. Has a sense of humor, but uses 5% humor and 95% Scripture, practical teaching and personal testimony to deliver God's message.
3. Has a personal testimony. Trusting God, is more than a theory. Powerful pastors who know and rely on God as their source, will have a testimony that declares God's faithfulness in their own lives.
4. Encourages the congregation to fulfill God's call upon their lives whether their role is inside or outside of the church. The pastor will appreciate that church members serve God by serving people - CareNet Pregnancy Services, Hospice, rescue workers, teachers, etc. These people are in the midst of the battle every day. They desperately need a pastor who is serious about serving God in practical, life-changing ways. I thank God for Christians who take ministry outside the walls of the church. The right pastor will be interested in and excited about the ministries God has entrusted to him.
5. Will not be caught up in the busyness of the church. He will allow and encourage others to rise up and take active roles, leaving time for personal prayer and studying God's Word.
6. Understands that all ages need appropriate opportunities for training, fellowship and ministry. Everyone needs to have purpose in their lives. The learning and fellowship must lead to serving God.
7. Will not treat music lightly, but will know that it is a valuable resource for evangelism, encouragement and teaching - which are all a praise to God! The pastor recognizes the need for a continued balanced music program. A combination of hymns, choruses, and current songs makes church a place where people of all ages can feel at home to serve and worship God. Some pastors want to forget the old - the old songs and the old people. But, God desires that older people help to equip the younger generation to know and serve Him. A wise pastor knows that God's family includes all generations.
8. Will choose evangelism over entertainment. The salvation message will part of every service.
9. Is not bound by program, but allows God to change the direction of the church service. Is sensitive to God's leading.